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About grade level difficulty & cumulative difficulty

Grade level difficulty is calculated using the advancement level and difficulty of individual courses, the number of courses, and compares it to the average number of courses taken.

About grade point average (GPA)

Grade point average is the average of the grades from each course. By default, it does not take + or - into account.

Weighted GPA takes the advancement level of individual courses into account, while unweighted GPA does not. You can change how your GPA is calculated by clicking here:

About extracurricular strength

Extracurricular strength is calculated using the strength of each individual activity and the number of activities. The stronger the activities, and the more there are, the higher the extracurricular strength score.

About best SAT

This shows your highest SAT score out of every SAT you have taken.

About best ACT

This shows your highest ACT score out of every ACT you have taken.

About test favorability

Test favorability recommends which test, the SAT or ACT, you should send your score to colleges. It is calculated by converting one of the scores to the equivalent score for the other test, then comparing which one is higher. In some cases, either test could be considered better, but it will still recommend favoring one over the other.

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Does your GPA not look right?

It's possible that your school uses different weights for advanced classes or takes the + and - on grades into account. You can change how your GPA is calculated here:


Grade 9 (Freshman)

Grade 10 (Sophomore)

Grade 11 (Junior)

Grade 12 (Senior)

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